Movie Star Workout Plan

Some movie stars use some tricks to build that incredible shape you admire in their films. A good number of them achieve this by carrying out a water-carb trick that gets them lean in a matter of days. For this to work, however, the actor must have been in still pretty good shape.

This is how the trick works: reduce your intake of carbs and increase your sodium intake for a period of 3-5 days. As a result, the body experiences a deficiency in carbs and the muscles start appearing flat. They now start ‘loading’ their bodies with water, sometimes taking as much as a gallon daily. Finally, they stop taking water and go back to taking carbs to get the muscles looking full again.

When they stop water intake, the body gets rid of the body water that is now in excess because the overloads of the last few days tricked the body into losing water. The excess water is gone leaving full muscles that have no water underneath.